Occupational therapy is a helping profession which rebuilds or maintains one’s occupational adaptation in activities of daily living, work, school, leisure and social participation through participating in purposeful and meaning activities that fit with his/her life roles. Occupational therapy enhances one’s meaning and values of life by preventing diseases, reducing obstacles, delaying disability, assisting in occupational adaptation, etc.
The establishment of the department is to cultivate occupational therapy professionals with humanistic care and professional knowledge in order to serve the society and meet the medical needs. Occupational therapists serve the disabled of all ages. Occupational therapists improve and enhance clients’ physical, psychological and social functions with client-centered, holistic approaches and interventions such as environmental modification, splints and assistive technology, thus facilitate independent living and enhance social participation, accomplish the goals of health promotion and improve quality of life.
Address:No.168, University Rd., Dacun, Changhua 515006, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
J524, 5/F, Language Building (J)
TEL:+886-4-8511888 #7251、2601/FAX:+886-4-8511280/
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